Friday 4 February 2011

And the theme of today is

Been working with our experts from the Central Motorway Police today, what a bunch of guys, good guys 8 , bad guys 3 well 3

And another bonus i managed to miss the usual M6 Friday chaos, got home in good time fantastic.

On the downside, my Xbox if winging itself to Frankfurt, thanks Microsoft for selling such a lemon, now have to wait 3 weeks...what am i gonna do to amuse myself when my house chores are done........ah i have a cunning plan.....

Finally the day will dawn when the Renault makes a move to its new home, would like to wish Dad best of luck(you might need look after it, it is after all only on

Monday 31 January 2011

A good day??

How do you define a good day.

Well mine was good today, a quick visit to the vampire for yet more blood tests, due to a silly reading in my last set of tests, hopefully this will be ok now.

Then a lovely drive upto Mangoletsi to see Mrs Lowe, a good enough excuse to go there even if she forgot her Blackberry this morning, do you need an excuse to visit your wife at work, nope. She however might not really feel the same, ah the joy of car sales.

An hour of cleaning my Alfa nice quality time with myself, and the Red bus brakes now at the garage, just waiting for another bill for parts, then i can finally get shut of it...Dad get your insurance sorted i have 10 mins of assembly and a jetwash session and you can take it away.

I dont have anything personally against my Renault, it was overpriced but hey its been reliable for 5 yrs and hopefully my dad will get some good use out of it.

Now the next member of the household that needs some attention is Dylan the sheepdog, who is anxiously waiting the return of Mrs Lowe, he'll have a long wait today as she has to stay late, detention methinks....So he'll be eating alone again tonight.

Pleasant evening to all

Saturday 29 January 2011

Frustrations that make you smile.

I love my Alfa, of that there is no doubt, not as much as i love my wife, my son and my dog in that order.

I dont love the knock knock knock from the front of the car...

I dont love having the car in the garage for repairs at 9am on a Saturday morning when i only finished night shift at 6am.

Its too cold outside, i know i have my inbuilt padding but its still too cold.

I positively hate the blister on my little toe.

My god i sound like Victor Meldrew and i'm only 45, theres a major problem here think i need to go and have a long conversation with myself and some Singapore beer, perhaps i can attain the higher purpose at work here, or of course get drunk............

Happy Weekend

Monday 24 January 2011

Alfa Romeo GTV the neverending story.....

Oh yes the neverending story is starting again, jeez forgot how unforgiving Alfa Romeo's are, just when you get the first problem sorted, it squats and drops another on

So its time to visit the garage again....

However still smiling..................... :-)

Saturday 22 January 2011

22 Jan 2011

Saturdays are for doing nothing....well in some worlds...

Mikey's world Saturday starts at 6:00am when the heating kick off, that is the cue for Dylan to start grumping..until we get up and let him out.

No peace then, he's up on the bed playing the passion killer....

So a brief wander around sunny Sandbach and then back home for Saturday kitchen...

Funny though Sunday is the same except no walking round town and "Its something for the weekend".

So its now nearly lunchtime and for the last 5 hrs we've battled the housework, Sandbach, fog and ice...god i need to go back to bed i'm knackered....................

Friday 21 January 2011

Finally Friday Arrives

Thankfully Friday evening is here, after what appeared to be a terminally long week at Vosaland...

So the running count is 124 drivers of all nationalities met greeted and have then been verbally abused by quite a few of them.(cant please everyone)...worst abuse of course from the Brits...

1 magnet on a foreign truck cant say the driver is a lying B*"£$rd but he was.......

300 miles of travel to and from work on the M6

Abused by the "British Cycling Team Alfa Romeo 159" well driver gave me the finger for letting him in space on the decided he's and arsehole....note to Alfa Romeo UK you gave them the car so you are arseholes tooooo.

My intention now is to have a serious talk with myself and magners to put the world to rights, might invite the wife too, because soppy bugger that i am, i love her and she likes

Monday 17 January 2011

Living with an Alfa Romeo GTV

Well this is my first update about living with the 916 GTV.

After the first hiccup with some little scrote trying to break into it over New Year i'm enjoying being Alfisti again.
So how does the GTV shape up.
Well my last ride was a Renault Scenic so there's a huge difference, you get in and wear the GTV wheras the Renault is a diesel plodder very reliable and to be honest for the last 5 yrs has done exactly what it says on the side of the box.
I'm now entertaining 37mpg in a 2 ltr petrol car compared to 45 in the Renault.
And i love the quirkiness of the Alfa, leather seats, poor visibility but plenty of reserve power available so you can get out of trouble much quicker that you got there originally. And a driving position akin to a lemans racer...waay haaaaay.

Will i miss the Renault....nope not at all......however good luck to my dad as the new on loan owner of it ..

Sunday 16 January 2011


Sundays are for relaxing at least thats what i would enjoy.

However the 6:30am wakeup call of our delightful welsh sheepdog(regular as clockwork every day) signified another chance of that illusive rest gone again.........

Whats even more amusing is watching the dog destroy another furry toy, (doodles today), i think it very appropriate that the local charity shops have what seems to be an inexhaustible supply of suitable furry toys to keep him occupied.

Does this mean that at 45 i have started to become like Victor Meldrew and question why it is that the major supermarkets sell"dog toys" for £4-£5 that last 24hrs or the charity shop soft toys cost £1 and last for weeks.....i dont believe it...

Anyway another good Sunday activity postponed today it the washing of the Alfa Romeo's please note the plural as we are now a 2 Alfa Romeo Family and Mrs L couldnt possibly expect me to clean my GTV without paying passing attention to her Giulietta even though she has it valetted at work. Why is it that it doesnt matter whether it be a cleaner or valetter the females of the spiecies believe they must clean up before the cleaner arrives or the valetter takes the car....its self defeating, must be something in the genes.


Someone once wrote, "children are our future"

Problem is that they are frustrating, especially teenagers, i know you love them i will never deny this, but when the basics of filling in a school homework diary defeats them how the hell will they cope with life after school.

I am a worried man.

The Christmas Alfisti

What do you get a stormtrooper for christmas.....

Well Mrs L came up with the perfect gift an Alfa Romeo GTV woohooo

Yes i know it isnt the new TIE fighter that everyone expected but that hasnt been invented yet.